Seasoned Thangin’: Sheryl Lee Ralph Shows Off Godly Body-Ody, Proves She’s The Baddest 64-Year-Old Alive

Posted by on May 31, 2021 in News | 0 comments

Seasoned thangin’!

We love us some Sheryl Lee Ralph who proved she’s the baddest 64-year-old alive with a stunning TikTok video that melted the whole entire internet.

In the now viral video, the beloved actress (who raised both Brandy and Lauryn Hill in classic roles) struts alongside an extravagant resort pool while showing off her flawless body adorned in an orange ‘kini.

“It’s summertime! Follow me!!” she captioned under the video that immediately sent social media into a thirsty TIZZY.

This comes just days after Mary J. Blige and Toni Braxton showed out for the 50+ hot girls with viral flexes that set the tone for Mrs. Ralph to come thru and shut down social media.

Blessed with gorgeous genes, the glamorous Tony Award nominee passed everything to her daughter Ivy “Coco” Maurice who recreated her mother’s iconic looks in vintage garments.

You may remember the 20-something college grad, blogger and stylist going viral for her sweet tribute that resonates to this day.

Beautiful inside and out, Sheryl worked as an HIV/AIDS activist when she wasn’t starring in some of the biggest shows/films of the ’90s.

In 2018, she was honored at the McDonald’s 365Black Awards for her work with “Divas Simply Singing”–the longest consecutive running AIDS awareness benefit concert in the country.

“I simply believed that if we don’t speak up for ourselves, who will?” Ralph told us. “If I don’t fight for me, who will? So, it’s been hard, it’s been difficult, but it had to be done.”

What’s your fave Sheryl Lee Ralph moment? Tell us down below and enjoy the Twitter hysteria over her viral serve of all serves on the flip.

Source: bossip