People Are LIVID Over The All-Female Lord Of The Flies Remake — Find Out Why!

Posted by on Aug 31, 2017 in News | 0 comments

Female-centric remakes are the newest Hollywood trend — and why shouldn’t they be? Audiences are craving female-driven stories and nostalgia these days, so combining the two seems like a guaranteed slam dunk.

But not every male-driven classic works with the opposite gender… specifically, when the entire premise of a story revolves around boys being idiots because they’re boys.

That’s what people are frantically trying to point out after Warner Bros. announced plans to remake Lord of the Flies — but with young girls stranded on the island instead of boys!

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Those who read William Golding‘s 1954 novel (or even Sparknoted it) say the story wouldn’t make sense with all girls because it was meant to show the pitfalls of toxic masculinity.

Many critics mused that instead of turning into barbaric animals, a group of stranded girls would either peacefully work together or just leave each other the fuck alone.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the remake will be written and directed by two men, Scott McGehee and David Siegel — which is hardly a sign we’re in for the feminist coming-of-age film of the decade.

What do you think, Perezious Bookworms? Can Lord of the Flies be successfully remade with a group of girls? See what people are saying and comment (below)!

[Image via Sony Pictures.]

Source: perez hilton