North Carolina's Controversial New Year's Eve Possum Drop Has Finally Come To An End! Sort Of…

Posted by on Dec 31, 2014 in News | 0 comments

It’s a New Year’s miracle!

Brasstown, NC, has gained a lot of press over the past couple years because of their weird New Year’s Eve tradition of dropping a live opossum as the clock strikes midnight.

However, it looks like PETA and other animal rights advocates are getting their Christmas wish because live opossums will no longer be used to celebrate the new year!

[ Related: Olivia Munn Pens Letter To USDA On PETA's Behalf! ]

After three years of protests, PETA finally convinced Brasstown to stop using the live animals, despite the fact that the opossums weren’t actually dropped; they were simply lowered in a plexiglass case.

To ring in 2014, the town even used a fake animal in a box with a live one on stage, but that still upset folks because the music of the live event was stressful on the furry critter.

Now for 2015, event organizers say they’re going to stick with their opossum theme, but won’t use a living creature; rather roadkill or some opossum stew.

As long as there are no animals being hurt in their countdown, we guess we have no complaints!

Source: perez hilton