Bless Her Heart: Kim Burrell Addresses Backlash Over Offensive Sermon Video, Gets Classily Checked By Tamron Hall

Posted by on Sep 30, 2022 in News | 0 comments

Bless her heart…

Tamron Hall asset

Source: Tamron Hall

Pastor Kim Burrell is getting dragged, once again, after her appearance on ‘Tamron Hall‘ where she addressed the backlash over offensive remarks she made during her viral sermon back in July.

Check out the clip below:

When asked how she’s feeling in the wake of the controversy surrounding the offensive sermon, she had this to say:

“I feel great because my intent to what I was speaking to – first, thank you for allowing me to come on and asking me to come on and taking into consideration that there’s always more than one side – there’s a jargon that happens in church, that the charismatic Black church, there’s a lingo and certain things we say that we fully understand, which it almost feels like when you see those cameras in church now it’s an intrusion upon that because for those who don’t understand it, they’re going to misinterpret what it means,” she said.

I’ve been in church too long, I’ve held on to my faith too long to deliberately hurt people. I’m not in any way mentally, spiritually, physically challenged to the degree that I have to choose people to be mean to. So overall, when you have more than one person giving their opinion about one other person, the majority probably is going to win.

A lot of people get on the bandwagon. So when you asked me ‘how do I feel?’ Do you mean about my words now or about how it made people feel?” To which Tamron responded, “About your words now.”

Burrell continued,

“I feel the same way I felt that night. My intentions were pure. I was making an analogy, actually, I was honoring the Pastor about being there. And I was making an analogy about his personality. I just didn’t word it to where as they would understand it.”

Burrell also explained why she felt her words were misinterpreted:

“It was completely ad-libbed,” she admitted. “Yeah, I didn’t have a plan to talk to a certain thing. It was a form of encouragement, is what it was, for those who can hear in that way.

There are some people who go, ‘You telling people not to live in a trailer home.’ That’s not what I said. I compared a trailer home to mansion living. I was metaphorically speaking. Everybody wanted to turn my words into accusing people that if you have a certain kind of financial status that I was speaking against that, which is so far from the truth.”

WHY she won’t just apologize, acknowledge that she hurt people, and leave it at that, we may never know, but she waded into troubled waters when she attempted to drag Yolanda Adams into her mess before Tamron Hall swiftly shut it down.