American Hustle Is At The Center Of A Microwave-Based Lawsuit…

Posted by on Nov 1, 2014 in News | 0 comments

This story is just plain weird…

A scene from the Oscar-nominated movie American Hustle is causing some waves and they aren’t micro.

When Jennifer Lawrence‘s Rosalyn tells Christian Bale‘s Irving about the science behind microwaves, she incorrectly references an expert in the field named Paul Brodeur.

Well, Paul is pissed because he says that the writers intentionally misinterpreted an article he had written and now he is a joke in the scientific community.

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While that sucks for Paul, it’s a throwaway line in a fictional movie, so people shouldn’t really be taking it seriously.

He’s suing Columbia Pictures and the other production companies involved for $1 million, but we don’t know how much of that he’ll end up seeing.

Source: perez hilton